Botox & Skin Care During Pandemic
Before I start the very popular topic about the current pandemic, I should say wehat Botox is and its place in skin care and anti aging treaments. Actually, in general, in medical aesthetics.
Botulinum toxin or Botox for short is a neurotoxic protein produced by some bacteria. There is a lot of information online about it and I won’t go into details.

Botox Facial Injections
In the medical aesthetics, botox is used for facial injections. It makes your face look younger and more beautiful. It is widely used to a lot of people and provides amazing results. It usually takes a few procedures until the results are satisfactionary, but you can start seeing some results even after the first treatment.
Botox facial injections is actually medical aesthetic service provided and performed in a botox clinic, which has the medical specialists who can do the treatment safely. I should mention that using botox in home environment on your own is dangerous and a very bad idea. After all it is a toxin and it is supposed to be injected in specific places in a specific way. These and, in general, all facial injections should be performed by trained medical specialists.
Medical Aesthetics during Health Emergency
The current pandemic health emergency changed dramatically how people leave their lives. It changed everybody’s routines and way life. People become more careful what they do, where they go and who the trust. They are more careful with their contacts and places they go.
This is very true, even more than everything else, about medical institutions and private practices. Everything medical related makes people feel uncomfortable and they try to avoid it. After all these are the places it is most likely someone to get infected.
For this reason a lot of people are trying to perform medical aesthetic procedures in home environment by themselves on themselves and on their relatives. Believing this way they are save, they are treathening their health even more than if they visit a botox clinic to get the botox facial injections properly by medical specialists. Not only because they are not trained and it is dangerous, but because clinics are a lot safer now with all of the safety measures enforced by the governments worldwide.
Another reason for self treatment is purely economical. A lot of people have lost their source of income and they simply can’t afford these treatment, but they also don’t want to stop taking the procedures, because their look will get worse very fast after their body absorbs all of the botox from the last treatment.
Whatever is the reason for it, people should be aware of the risks and never perform ANY medical aesthetic or other procedures without the proper training. Playing with their health and the well being of their relatives has no price and can’t be justified by any means.
So please leave botox facial injections and any other medical aesthetic procedures to the professionals. Visit a botox clinic or just wait until the medical emergency is over and then take care of your look. After all, with isulation, social dinstancing and quarantines all over the globe, I doubt people care much about your wrincles.